AteBitVJ Screenshot Thursday

Time for some pictures of AteBitVJ in action! I thought I would spend an hour or two creating some examples of what this new VJing software can do. All of these images were taken live in AteBitVJ and are presented here without any post-processing whatsoever. If only you could see how much better they look when running at 60fps.. ;)

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For those who don’t already know, AteBitVJ is a new breed of procedural VJ software that doesn’t rely on pre-built VJ loops. The system runs on a moderately powerful Windows PC and is not only highly configurable but also fully controllable via the usual suspects of MIDI, OSC and audio. It’s currently still in development, but I’m always looking for Beta testers.

I’d heard that the WordPress gallery was awesome. I must have heard wrong.. so here are the 20 images in a more easily accessible layout:

You can also see these screenshots (along with a load more) in my AteBitVJ set on Flickr.

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